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  1. CFLCane

    Francois fsu qb news (he gone)

    Theyre both toxic..thats why u gotta be man enough to walk away.
  2. CFLCane

    Francois fsu qb news (he gone)

    Be careful talking about the demographics of domestic violence.
  3. CFLCane

    Francois fsu qb news (he gone)

    There's an old saying, “If you're explaining, you're losing.” And 99/100 judges agree with me. Crazy how many of you are in relationships that are require you defend yourselves against women. Certainly you had no part in the escalation of violence. No way there was verbal or light physical...
  4. CFLCane

    Francois fsu qb news (he gone)

    Funny how everyone says Francois says is one of the toughest QB's they've ever seen due to all the hits he's taken in the pocket over the years but as soon as the mouth breathers heard his girl might've hit him they're like OH yeah he had to hit her back....smh.
  5. CFLCane

    Francois fsu qb news (he gone)

    @brock update the title before we have 100 threads on this
  6. CFLCane

    Francois fsu qb news (he gone)

    Only fools get baited by females. Be a man and walk a way.
  7. CFLCane

    Francois fsu qb news (he gone)

    It took months for the Jameis case to go public, during that time Jameis lawyer had the kids involved delete their cell phone videos of the incident. So you're dead wrong.
  8. CFLCane

    Francois fsu qb news (he gone)

    Ask yourself what's really going to results. Taking it to Tally PD first or putting it on social media so tally pd can't sweep it under the rug like they've been proven to do NUMEROUS times regarding football players.
  9. CFLCane

    Francois fsu qb news (he gone)

    lol congrats
  10. CFLCane

    Francois fsu qb news (he gone)

    Just stop typing. We get it, you're a "tough guy" who wouldn't dare let a female hit him without repercussion. Which makes you the same idiot we all watch on cops yelling "they disrespected me" before there put in handcuffs and headed to prison.
  11. CFLCane

    Francois fsu qb news (he gone)

    I honestly can't laugh hard enough at this ignorance.
  12. CFLCane

    Francois fsu qb news (he gone)

    Because he's a giant piece of ****?