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  1. Udynasty

    Bat Signal

  2. Udynasty

    Bat Signal

    Stefan said in his recruiting chatter that the staff feels Hunte committed to them over the weekend.. IDK why he has not announced it yet but that's what Stefan said.
  3. Udynasty

    Bat Signal

    Ohh. Though it was the helmet..
  4. Udynasty

    Bat Signal

    So from feinberg's tweet It's a NYM guy hitting a homerun with 3 palm trees -ElGammall -Blissett -Hunte ?
  5. Udynasty

    Bat Signal

    If it's NY.. Then it's Hunte!!
  6. Udynasty

    Bat Signal

    I want it to be Hunt more than anyone else TBH...🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼... But Emerson was on flip watch.. so whoever it is it's a #Surge19 guy
  7. Udynasty

    Bat Signal
