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  1. C

    Matocha Commits

    So since you want to compare, kaaya never got a victory over Fsu although i cant blame him, but perry and rosier did, so its 1 and 1 in that dept., allison & Sheriff combined are worst than rosier. The jury is still out on perry, "cocade" & jarren.
  2. C

    Matocha Commits

    Dont forget evans sheriff in that first group. Besides kaaya, the latter 3 have way more potential than that 1st group.
  3. C

    Matocha Commits

    LoL, if this is not a joke than that explains more of what you already displayed, carry on!
  4. C

    Matocha Commits

    You should, cause i dont recall you being an analytical ex p ert on the qb room when we had brad kaaya, rosier, allison and i shot the sheriff, i take it you were comfortable with that group!
  5. C

    Matocha Commits

    Your last definitely rules you out as being an analytic, but thanks Ms. Cleo!
  6. C

    Matocha Commits

    The fact that you think he doesnt have as good of a chance as the other qb's shows you dont know football, nobody is the cemented starter, and all it takes is for whoever is running the offense the best come spring practices and than after that, they'll just have to hold on to the lead. You...
  7. C

    Matocha Commits

    For one, he wasnt going to let some guy like flake james and crybaby b.o.t. members who punked out and are crying to the media and flake james spineless *** not check em tell him how to run the football team. Next the new crybaby so called UM fans are clueless to football and what it takes to...
  8. C

    Matocha Commits

    What you really said is "you cant believe its the last line"
  9. C

    Matocha Commits

    This is the national anthem for all the scorned ones who hate the successful facts about coach richt:
  10. C

    Matocha Commits

    And what's your favorite color, keep showing us your brilliance with more of the 3rd grade name calling, at 12:15 put your pencils and crayons up, and get ready for nap time!
  11. C

    Matocha Commits

    Correction, they didnt have a qb committed but they did recruit a qb that they wanted in mjj. Doesnt mean it was that big of a deal, and who's to say had coach richt stayed he wouldnt have gotten one. At the same time there was really no pressing need to get a qb when you got 3 guys in perry...
  12. C

    Matocha Commits

    No ma'am, i understand for some reason you too have contractec the scorned woman syndrome from coach richt, you just hate to see him being successful without you, but its ok, you are working your way up to being b the vice president of the lame brain community NEXT!
  13. C

    Matocha Commits

    LoL, spoken like a True scorned one, otherwise WTH is the plea for. Coach richt should always get his just do and his accomplishments are legit, but the crybaby posters like yourself as soon as you see coach richt's name start whining, STFU and man up and keep your crybaby thoughts to yourself...
  14. C

    Matocha Commits

    Just send me your screen name and password, looks like you already have an account. But becareful and get to obsessed with what he's doing in these days abd times you might get accused of borderline stalking!
  15. C

    Matocha Commits

    Listen, almost all coaches bring in qb's with the hopes that they can run the offense, some workout some dont, but to say "enos instantly wanted and KNOWS he can run his offense" this is not the pro's, the guy is coming from the highschool ranks so time will tell. This is not about an "i told...
  16. C

    Matocha Commits

    Im not saying Matocha is a scrub, what i like about em is his height and his decision making, his arm strength is not what i'd like to see but neither was chad pennington but he moved the chains, its a great pick-up and shows the guys is not afraid of competition. Im not a star *****, i could...
  17. C

    Matocha Commits

    ROFL, so i take it from the looks of your post, Matocha ran the same offense in highschool that coach enos is going to run here, man this should be a seamless transition. Im glad you post over here, keep giving us the great insight that we would not have known prior to reading your post!
  18. C

    Matocha Commits

    I luv seeing all the praise coach enos is getting for this new qb commit, alot of the same people praising coach enos would've been trying to crucify coach richt and his son had they got the same "3 star" to commit. This mob is definitely fickle and comical, lol. The pitch fork committee...