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  1. The Owl

    Dugans Taking Shots At Us Already 🤔

    I've actually seen you say that before and take your word for it. I'm definitely a little bit jealous of what you been able to witness firsthand at Greentree.
  2. The Owl

    Dugans Taking Shots At Us Already 🤔

    I'm not a grammar expert but the thing I see most people get mixed up is when to use "then" or "than".
  3. The Owl

    Dugans Taking Shots At Us Already 🤔

    Thank you. I was actually trying to figure out whether it was bias or biased in that sitaution.
  4. The Owl

    Dugans Taking Shots At Us Already 🤔

    I'm biased but this is the best hit, especially when you take into account when it happened in the game...