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  1. Halcyon Daze


    Definitely miss Alan Thicke...much more than I miss Kirk Cameron or any of the other Seavers....But, this much can be said about Alan Thicke's death....He died in the best possible manner - Fast.
  2. Halcyon Daze


    Danza was just the wingman for Danny Devito...I wonder if that show would now be called "Uber" The cancellation of Thicke of the Night was a sad day for North American cultural literacy...On the upside, progeny Robin Thicke can now be seen guessing whether the masked singing rhinoceros is Kim...
  3. Halcyon Daze

    Goat guys can argue Brady, Rice, Manning, Montana, Nathan Peterman all you want...but this one is real simple and not even close...Tony Danza is the GOAT.