Search results

  1. KevinCaneFace

    Taylor Stubblefield

    We made two hires at related positions today. One was a recruiter and one is a coach who’s familiar with the OC. Seems smart to me
  2. KevinCaneFace

    Taylor Stubblefield

    You'll see names of old dusty coaches from the past dropped on this board like they'd be brilliant hires. (I've seen Lamar Thomas, Kevin Beard, Don Soldinger, etc.) Then when Manny who is obsessed with analytics hires a coach that we haven't heard of the board melts down
  3. KevinCaneFace

    Taylor Stubblefield

    It's a good thing Manny doesn't hire based on Wikipedia though. He actually interviews coaches so he would know if they are a smart teacher or charismatic enough to be a recruiter. I don't know where we get our ideas to judge coaching hires based on one minute of googling where the coach came from