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  1. MainLineCane

    Worried about SEC blocking future portal usage

    From what I know, if the school he is transferring from WANTS TO drop or take his scholarship after he enters the portal....They can
  2. MainLineCane

    Worried about SEC blocking future portal usage

    Bags are NOT just delivered only once when a recruit signs...remember Reggie Bush USC Bags are given periodically throughout the player's attendance. You really think a crook recruit at a crooked school only wants one dip? He also wants to be maintained. The size and frequency depends on how...
  3. MainLineCane

    Worried about SEC blocking future portal usage

    I hear ya. I just don't see how it does. Bagmen were here before the portal and still have just as many opportunities to participate now. So what's changed? NOTHING I guess we don't get it.....but that's probably because there's nothing to get
  4. MainLineCane

    Worried about SEC blocking future portal usage

    Getting or using transfer players means that your recruiting is incomplete or insufficient to cover your immediate needs. Some schools simply recruit better I seriously doubt that teams like Bama ,Clemson etc. will actively involve themselves in seeking transfers....and if so it will be a...
  5. MainLineCane

    Worried about SEC blocking future portal usage

    But it doesn't. Bagmen will ALWAYS have jobs as long as someone wants to entice/ pay a player to attend, stay or transfer to their school NO ....its never been a one time bag delivery...palms and ego's must be greased continually....IF you want them to stay Bagmen are like roaches ....even a...
  6. MainLineCane

    Worried about SEC blocking future portal usage

    I'm sure that being a bagman for "X"Univ has and will always be an ALL weather, 24/7 full time, year round job. Sorta like being a postman....those $Bags MUST be delivered!!...on time and in person
  7. MainLineCane

    Worried about SEC blocking future portal usage

    How?? Actually NO. Schools will still be competing for transfers to attend their school.
  8. MainLineCane

    Worried about SEC blocking future portal usage

    Thanks for responding After further research it seems the major change is that it opens up more opportunities for players seeking to transfer instead of them having to select their transfer school on their own. i.e. I'm available who wants me? As per ESPN: As of Oct. 15, 2018, a change in...
  9. MainLineCane

    Worried about SEC blocking future portal usage

    Players transferring schools has been around for ions Calling it a portal didn't change that. So why are some acting as if this is a new phenomenon?