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  1. C

    Tee Martin

    Having a generational talent at QB playing against some pretty dreadful PAC12 defenses. Answer me this. If his top 20 offenses in the last 2 out of 3 years should be something we use to support hiring him then, why did he get fired? Why wasn't this significant enough for USC to justify keeping him?
  2. C

    Tee Martin

    Thank you Jesus!!!!!
  3. C

    Tee Martin

    I would argue that Coley is probably a better OC than Tee Martin.
  4. C

    Tee Martin

    BIG difference between hiring one of two guys that were fired as Head Coaches and hiring a guy who was stripped of playcalling duities and fired as OC just a month ago. Can you imagine the negative recruiting and the laughter? LOL!
  5. C

    Tee Martin

    Unfortunately, he hasn't proven himself as an OC.
  6. C

    Tee Martin

    Yes, they were. Bama was a different team with a bunch of different coaches.
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    Tee Martin

    Better than Mark Richt is a low standard. Manny said he wanted an OC that was cutting edge and modern, and he promised that the OC hire would excite everybody. Tee Martin isn't going to excite hardly anybody.
  8. C

    Tee Martin

    Yes, Clemson absolutely was in the NC game this year because their coordinators are great play callers, and great developers, and great recruiters.
  9. C

    Tee Martin

    Or maybe his offenses looked good because he had a generational talent at QB and the PAC plays no defense.
  10. C

    Tee Martin

    For recruiting yes. For actual on field performance? Nope. Nothing against Seider. He is a good coach and great recruiter. Martin is not a good coach.
  11. C

    Tee Martin

  12. C

    Tee Martin

    I absolutely hated the idea of hiring Applewhite, but if there was anything that would make me wish for Applewhite, it's the thought of Tee Martin being OC. Here's to hoping Tee Martin's name is getting thrown out there just to get everyone on board with Applewhite!!!
  13. C

    Tee Martin
