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  1. D-anon

    Jeff Thomas sticking with Illinois. NOT!

    I believe our team will be better without him. Jk just too much negative energy around him. Wish him luck
  2. D-anon

    Jeff Thomas sticking with Illinois. NOT!

    That looks like his east saint louis high school jacket
  3. D-anon

    Jeff Thomas sticking with Illinois. NOT!

    Where is the Xbox stalker now?? Lame
  4. D-anon

    Jeff Thomas sticking with Illinois. NOT!

    What kinda weirdo stalking **** is this. You talk to him everyday? You was on the phone for the last 3 hours?? That dude barely said 20 words his entire time here but he talking to you for 3 hours? Do you devote this much time to getting *****? If you had, maybe you wouldn't be such a lame