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  1. M

    Fairweather Fans

    I am a bit defensive. It gets very old when every fanbase acts the same exact way but we get singled out for it. It is a disingenuous argument and position. UF fans booed Frenks this year....
  2. M

    Fairweather Fans

    Ok. Since perception is reality. You are Ok with the perception that all Miami players are thugs that has been perpetuated for 30+ years while other far worse programs (UF, OSU) don't get that. I am sure I can find some opinion articles that lack any nuance or explanation of the facts like...
  3. M

    Fairweather Fans

    Why is it specific to South Florida and not all areas? That is what I don't understand. Outside of a few specific sports franchises (Cubs, Packers)...Why are people like you quick to call south florida fans fair weather for not supporting a losing team, but not new york or chicago or...
  4. M

    Fairweather Fans

    I call BS on this. The great sports town, fair weather fan is just a myth. I keep hearing how Chicago is a great sports town. Check White Sox attendance. Check Blackhawks attendance when they are not good. Same with Pittsburgh another great sports town, check out Pirates attendance for the...