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  1. Kempo Cane


    Come on mdp I need some good gifs ring girl style
  2. Kempo Cane


    Thanks my friend some people need to keep to what they think they know. If Ed Reed has publicly said he wants to coach here I say move somebody the **** out tha way
  3. Kempo Cane


    Good job hoops I done with you
  4. Kempo Cane


    You can believe in tha dribble boys n I will believe in a GD Hurricane legend until I don't, so don't bother me again OK
  5. Kempo Cane


    Why don't you tell us why a man that has been a succes at every step of his life would fail you Dumdass.
  6. Kempo Cane


    GD please tell me that's a picture of Sabon or Dabos son but since I don't know what Mork Jr looks like I figure it's him
  7. Kempo Cane


    Well maybe I might start judging pretty soon. Don't know how to respond to that
  8. Kempo Cane


    Lmao, my man mdp never disappoints.
  9. Kempo Cane


    What are lifetime movies? Don't be afraid to let your femine side out, we don't judge here.
  10. Kempo Cane


    Men who are a success at every thing they are involved in tend to always be a success write this down an learn it n maybe you to will one day be a success.😁
  11. Kempo Cane


    Dribble boy it is your season now go enjoy
  12. Kempo Cane


    Uh,halftime speeches the **** man spent a college and pro career dominating.STFU
  13. Kempo Cane


    Stick to Hoops ,I would never question his desire or energy
  14. Kempo Cane


    Do you really question Reed's energy or desire to be the best.
  15. Kempo Cane


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