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  1. Ric Flair Blitz

    Major Applewhite to be named new offensive coordinator at Miami

    I had to hold back ***** from erupting out of my **** after reading that post. What an embarrassing list of names. Here here to our savior, Major Manolo Applediaz.
  2. Ric Flair Blitz

    Major Applewhite to be named new offensive coordinator at Miami

    Ah, the old adage. Two in the pink, one in the stink. A true family man.
  3. Ric Flair Blitz

    Major Applewhite to be named new offensive coordinator at Miami

    Major Applesauce will bring us to the promise land.
  4. Ric Flair Blitz

    Major Applewhite to be named new offensive coordinator at Miami

    Let's go fellas. Welcome to the 21st century.