Search results

  1. Crimpy

    Why UGA???

    Right. I'll cruise all the high schools from 2:30 - 3:00 PM. Wave when you see me.
  2. Crimpy

    Why UGA???

    There you go, tough guy. It's actually under "hot cuban girls bikini", my bad. These chicks are the first f*cking thing to pop up. They were dark...
  3. Crimpy

    Why UGA???

    I'm responding. Come drag me, you f*cking punk. Just because you can't immediately find that pic doesn't mean ****. With Google's algorithm, pics appear, dissappear, and change positions every day. Try doing a Google or Bing reverse picture search. It's on plenty of websites. I mean, wtf would...
  4. Crimpy

    Why UGA???

    You're the lame joke, dude. Professional black guy looking for racism around every corner. Sorry to tell you, but ur on your own as far as the outrage goes. ****, I could start a Butch thread and get 1000x more negs. So GTFOH with your little one-man march. Go to the local Einstein's and make...
  5. Crimpy

    Why UGA???

    Bold is my middle name. ...and I don't like being called a liar by Al Sharpton, Jr. over there.
  6. Crimpy

    Why UGA???

    You can go play with ur half-inch ****** for all I care. I didn't snap the picture. Go Google "black girls bikini" and see what comes up. I grabbed the best thing I could quickly find for my response. Maybe I should've used one of the other pics, which mostly consisted of overweight black chicks...
  7. Crimpy

    Why UGA???

    Ok, I went ahead and changed the pic of the black girls for the professionally outraged around here. Idk, I guess if you post a pic of otherwise hot black chicks in bikinis holding a beer and a cigarette, the red line at Al Sharpton's office rings. CubanCane, not sure what ur issue is. I...
  8. Crimpy

    Why UGA???

    Boi, you don't know **** about me. My wife is half black. I thought the pic of the black girls I posted was hot. What exactly didn't u find attractive about them? Or the Cuban girl? Maybe the problem is you. Either way, keep ur mouth shut about my racial preferences. Ur WAY off.
  9. Crimpy

    Why UGA???

    Lol. I think you all are missing my point. I'm not saying one is better than the other. I'm saying don't underestimate the power of a shiny new toy on a young man.
  10. Crimpy

    Why UGA???

    Because their whole life they've been seeing this: and this: And now they're seeing this: EDIT: Good grief, this went way over some of you guys' heads. I am NOT opining that one type of woman is better than another. (My wife is mixed race). I'm saying the southern belle type is...