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  1. D

    Puke Campbell at it again

    That’s exactly what I want, a Cuba where everyone can speak the way they feel, vote the way they want, read what they want, study what they like and not be told by the government. Thus, its fine that Cubans, and you and I, have different opinions. It’s called Democracy. you cant do that in...
  2. D

    Puke Campbell at it again

    Sorry Smoky I have been studying Epictetus so do not understand what part of not liking a dictatorship you do not understand.
  3. D

    Puke Campbell at it again

    There are people Suffering in this country but they have rights and can improve themselves. It is not a dictatorship. Listen man, you are not very bright enjoy 2109 and stay away from the new Cuban American coach of the Canes you dogmatic commie maniac! Smoky...,,
  4. D

    Puke Campbell at it again

    Listen, it is clear you stuck in a dogmatic thought process and are not open to discussions. Let me know when the next Communist Party rally is here in the 305 and I will look for you to discuss and bring along “Big Worm” aka Faizon Love whose family also fled Castro. At this point I feel about...
  5. D

    Puke Campbell at it again

    Castro but has relatives who fought Batista, who was mulatto by the way. I just want all Cubans to have the rights delineated in the International Declaration of Human Rights to which Cuba, under a democratic government, was a signatory. I want all Cubans to have the same rights you and I are...
  6. D

    Puke Campbell at it again

    Again, your lack of intellect shows with the inability to understand history. Cuba’s first Vice_President In 1902 was black. Anyone who supports a Dictatorship, regardless of race, then does not support democracy. The Cuban people are denied basic human rights such as the one you are expressing...
  7. D

    Puke Campbell at it again

    Man all good, if Diaz fails then lets move forward. I am a Colts fan and a super fan of Tony Dungy across the board. Race and ethnicity do not determine a mans values or his character. MLK was more than correct on that issue. Let’s hope it works out we have been waiting long enough.
  8. D

    Puke Campbell at it again

    If your level of education is any indication of your knowledge of football then wow. by the way for MotorCity Cane this is an example of the fact that this was a racist anti Cuban post. Hopefully Motor City and Tubman wont ever be like you and justify the Cuban dictatorship. And by the way you...
  9. D

    Puke Campbell at it again

    By the way clown, you are a racist.
  10. D

    Puke Campbell at it again

    Man this is not even worth arguing with you. Cuba had a black Cuban political prisoner who served 28 years, longer than Mandela, under Castro. Castro is a dictator. a dictator is a dictator. No Blacks in leadership positions. You sir are an idiot. Whenever your clown *** wants to discuss...
  11. D

    Puke Campbell at it again

    I don’t disagree on that issue, not was I trying to equate it. I grew up on a basketball Team that was racially split. The issue here is more the threat by Luke and whether or not it is perceived as biased at the very least. Time to refocus on what I think we all want a successful program. By...
  12. D

    Puke Campbell at it again

    Look man nobody is denying the history but your posts can, whether you like it or Not, be seen as anti-Cuban. You can keep On posting time To Refocus on football.
  13. D

    Puke Campbell at it again

    I grew up in West Hialeah and in 1970 the neighbor kids took all the Christmas lights and bombed us with it and yelled “Spics go home!” My mother and two sisters were terrorized. Not until my father came home from one of his two jobs after 10 pm did the police come by. Next day the Hialeah...
  14. D

    Puke Campbell at it again

    Already answered it racist
  15. D

    Puke Campbell at it again

    Not a bad post but what do you attribute the attitude to? Does family structure etc.... have any impact on this reality?
  16. D

    Puke Campbell at it again

    And apparently racism can work both ways by reading this site it’s confirmed.
  17. D

    Puke Campbell at it again

    Way before Puke was around I was playing the old computerized football games with Pat Walker, Lester Williams (rest in peace), Rodney Bellinger etc... Cane football Was based on Puke. Puke joined the band wagon as we started to win to help Market his lame ***. His wife is an agent, nice lady...
  18. D

    Puke Campbell at it again

    Over 24,000 Cubans died at the hands of Casto’s jails or firing squads. They were fighting the Soviets also. So the statements by that clown are imbecilic at best. The fact Cubans have done well in this Country is a testament to hard work, family focus etc... by the way, the leader of Brigade...
  19. D

    Puke Campbell at it again

    String suit is understanding the racist Anti-Cuban posts some of you are putting on here. And by the way, Mr.954 is not from the 305. I am not going to get into an intellectual squabble with you but clearly some of the posts represent an attitude that is considered offensive, myself included.
  20. D

    Puke Campbell at it again

    Dude, you must not be from MIAMI. Manny Diaz Senior was the Mayor from 2000-2008 or so. Way after any riots occurred. Stop with the reverse racist bs!