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  1. CanesAreAble

    Puke Campbell at it again

    My question is why do people think it will be when it hasn’t been? You really think Manny’s gonna have a whole staff of crackaz in Miami? FOH...
  2. CanesAreAble

    Puke Campbell at it again

    And yet we’ve hired literally no one. So why do people think our staff will be whitewashed when we’ve had a diverse staff for over a decade?
  3. CanesAreAble

    Puke Campbell at it again

    When did this thread devolve into a remedial civics class? My goodness... If Luke wants to be an advocate for the program, an actual advocate, there’s a right way and a wrong way. Without fail, he always chooses the wrong way.
  4. CanesAreAble

    Puke Campbell at it again

    Open my eyes to what, diversity on coaching staffs? When has diversity on our staff been an issue? Luke is making it an issue when it doesn’t even exist as a “cautionary tale?” Please. **** this guy. Seriously. **** him.
  5. CanesAreAble

    Puke Campbell at it again

    Luke wanted Lane ******* Kiffin as head coach. The whitest, brattiest, most entitled guy you might find in coaching. Luke is out for himself. He’s a total ******* fraud. He could at least wait 10 minutes for us to actually hire somebody before ****ting on Miami for the 11 millionth time.
  6. CanesAreAble

    Puke Campbell at it again

    We have hired literally zero assistant coaches. What in the actual ****?