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  1. C

    Puke Campbell at it again

    When facts and Truth are posted the Peaceful become more Peaceful! This man knows of what he speaks!
  2. C

    Puke Campbell at it again

    Im not sure what world you're living in, but obviously its isolated. Many active duty military service men and women will let other countries operate on them before they do U.S. doctors. Plus many citizens of this country are also starting to realize you can get the same procedures done for a...
  3. C

    Puke Campbell at it again

    First off you already know most people are clueless to Cuba because of the sanctions and alot of propaganda. So of course alot of people from here think the best medical care is here. People who know better will go to other places, even alot of well know doctors are picky and less confident...
  4. C

    Puke Campbell at it again

    O.I.C. you want the marriot amenties hospital, well this guy disagrees with you, and guess what, he has no medical school tutition debt that he has to payback for 30yrs so he's not conflicted to over prescribe medication to people:
  5. C

    Puke Campbell at it again

  6. C

    Puke Campbell at it again

  7. C

    Puke Campbell at it again

    The Cuban doctors are not only imported to Latin countries they are all over the Globe and the Cuban health community are viewed as almost experts on many subjects around the globe. For all the Fidel bashing, Cuba is viewed by actual data as one of the healthiest countries in the world...
  8. C

    Puke Campbell at it again

    You do realize that Cuba has some of the best trained doctors, so much so, that they are imported by other countries. Not to many countries are beating down the door for doctors over here. The doctors here and medical field here is rooted in money making not really about the True health of the...
  9. C

    Puke Campbell at it again

    How much of that do you attribute to the sanctions, and after the 60's and 70's was food more available to the public! And up to present time, how is the food situation!
  10. C

    Puke Campbell at it again

  11. C

    Puke Campbell at it again

    If you think you baited me, have at it, the Truth is the Truth. Not trying to convince you of anything, i just stated the facts about Fidel, who was an Atheist, but as he stated something to the affect of, "one does not have to believe in religion to have high moral principles". EL Commadante...
  12. C

    Puke Campbell at it again

    The only agenda is Truth over falsehoods and emotions. You have alot to catch up on and your disdain clouds your brain to the facts. You want to talk about the True Israelites, all you have to do us ask yourself this question, what Jews do you know claim that they were ever held in bondage, or...
  13. C

    Puke Campbell at it again

    Some of that is because of the unjust U.S. sanctions, the same thing happened to the Iraqi citizens as well. They would like to do the same with Iran, but they have to many friends!
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    Puke Campbell at it again

  15. C

    Puke Campbell at it again

    Well ****, the johnny come lately's started off the country as its setup now as "interventionist" but not to the degree it has been over the last 50yrs. You can say its slavery 2.0 all you want, that just shows your lackmof comparison skills. The Cubans are citizens of their country, the slaves...
  16. C

    Puke Campbell at it again

    Listen, somethings are best left out of a country, we all can bear witness to this degenerate society over here. The mirality of the people here are so low, they pushing the *** agenda on children in elementary school and blatantly now in cartoons. Freaks all over the place, raping...
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    Puke Campbell at it again

    Good job, that's exactly what's needed, keep studying!
  18. C

    Puke Campbell at it again

    Thank you for your emotinal opinions, once you start name calling, shows that your level of intellect has run its course. You can point out the pro's and con's in every government on Earth, which one is without fault.
  19. C

    Puke Campbell at it again

    Emotions are still running high, so you choose to try and handout false labels, i understand, you dont like EL Commadante, but just in case im from Miami born and raised, so i know both sides of Cuban history, from those who are from there, every Cuban doesnt feel the same. But hey, keep up the...
  20. C

    Puke Campbell at it again

    You're not qualified to speak for our Cuban family or me! Alot of the rights that are here now how did they come about, were they just given to us or did blood have to be shed. You talking about democracy, freedom of speech or anything else to me is a joke. Here is a so called democracy that...