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  1. 305to954

    Kaaya taking shots

    Read the full quote..which tweeted when the MR news broke. He also talked about recruiting south Florida talent..and oh yea this tweet was sent directly after he tweeted a thank you to Mark Richt..some of y’all around here just love reaching for ****..even when it’s not there
  2. 305to954

    Kaaya taking shots

    He was endorsing coley as a HC candidate for our vacant HC spot ...and highlighted his QB developing wasn’t a shot at richt..if he had said in the middle of a game..then that’s a shot at MR
  3. 305to954

    Kaaya taking shots

    If that’s what you read from it ok. That’s not what I got from it. Personally I wanted us to keep James
  4. 305to954

    Kaaya taking shots

    Thats not a shot at all..kaaya wasn’t gonna be successful In the league no matter who his QB coach was his last year. He had the same liability athletically under Coley as he had under MR.
  5. 305to954

    Kaaya taking shots

    How is this throwing shots?? I wanted James coley to be retained badly..many of you here did not