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  1. canefan96

    Anyone hear anything on this?

    Richt is a proud man, does not like criticism. We have found out he is very stubborn. He is also a family man and very religious. As we have all seen, his demeanor has changed the last few months, what started out as being fun is not fun anymore for him and his family. He hears the criticism...
  2. canefan96

    Anyone hear anything on this?

    More than 25 million buy out? Someone needs to be fired ..... Fake James.
  3. canefan96

    Anyone hear anything on this?

    Just a thought - He has been getting a lot of heat this year, he defiantly looked like it had gotten to him by the end of the year. His press conferences looked like he was on heavy meds. Goes to NY and they use less than half of the allotted practices, isn't that a big reason for a coach to go...