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  1. Jaromir Jagr

    8-Team (or more) Playoff

    Leave it to this sht show of a message board to turn every single topic into a Richt-bashing session.
  2. Jaromir Jagr

    8-Team (or more) Playoff

    You're too old to be posting corny stuff like that.
  3. Jaromir Jagr

    8-Team (or more) Playoff

    The article in a nutshell: 10-3 Washington belongs in the playoffs, but 10-3 Washington has virtually no chance to win the playoffs.
  4. Jaromir Jagr

    8-Team (or more) Playoff

    If every conference champion makes the playoffs, and the article goes out of its way to point out that the lesser teams have very little shot to win the playoffs, then why not leave it with the four teams that will be in the final four anyway.