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  1. Coach Macho

    In-state recruiting comparison

    I get what you're saying. I don't think you're wrong, but if we keep looking like doo-doo on the field it's gonna be hard to sign legit talent ANYWHERE. Some of our best players right now are from out-of-state.
  2. Coach Macho

    In-state recruiting comparison

    Our ****-poor recruiting can be attributed to quite a few things. 1. We're ****-poor on the field. South Florida kids, more than any other area in the country, look at football like a business. It's been instilled in them since little league. They do not want to be part of a losing program...
  3. Coach Macho

    In-state recruiting comparison

    You posted an article about top Georgia kids not signing with UGA... Then turn around and say South Florida kids "aren't loyal" for doing the same exact thing. I guess Georgia kids lack the same loyalty that South Florida kids do?