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  1. Zbrod95

    Perry Being a Knucklehead Again

    1) That’s not how that works. You break code by banging someone’s ex let alone their current fling. 2) You don’t know that 3) I care more about what the locker room thought(FYI I can say with confidence no healthy locker would’ve thought greatly about it) then what she thought about Kosi...
  2. Zbrod95

    Perry Being a Knucklehead Again

    I would, my brother(who just turned 21) would, my cousins would. And everyone keeps ignoring the fact this was the girlfriend of a teammate, not just another student but another teammate. Do you guys even have an iota of an idea what that can do to the locker room?
  3. Zbrod95

    Perry Being a Knucklehead Again

    SMH. Are you trying to compare being late to practice to what Perry’s done? The guy is so self centered that he banged his own teammates girl. He didn’t even care about the ripple effect in the locker room it could have.
  4. Zbrod95

    Perry Being a Knucklehead Again

    Wait! He was hitting his teammates girl? Is he stupid? My lord that locker room is so toxic.
  5. Zbrod95

    Perry Being a Knucklehead Again

    Your 5 is upside down. It looks like you’re telling Richt to start Malik...