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  1. 1mg of Epi

    If You Ain't Cryin', Then You Ain't Tryin!

    Consistently consistent. That’s what my lady says about me. I’m not sure it’s a Compliment.
  2. 1mg of Epi

    If You Ain't Cryin', Then You Ain't Tryin!

    Obviously you haven’t perused any of the other under performing teams’ boards. Miami isn’t unique in that regard. What is unique tho is Miami refusing to address any of its issues. Issues thatve been going on for 3 seasons.
  3. 1mg of Epi

    If You Ain't Cryin', Then You Ain't Tryin!

    Yea imma agree w u on this one Earn, that was pretty bad. I think we herd members may need to approve posts before they go live. This is why we can’t have nice things.
  4. 1mg of Epi

    If You Ain't Cryin', Then You Ain't Tryin!

    I don’t. That’s what the rookies are for.
  5. 1mg of Epi

    If You Ain't Cryin', Then You Ain't Tryin!

    No arguments here. Hate the story, not the story teller
  6. 1mg of Epi

    If You Ain't Cryin', Then You Ain't Tryin!

    Earny, I think the board could use some hope. Maybe a breakdown of why recruiting isn’t all that important is in order?