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  1. RightSaidFred

    Justin Fields transferring

    Do you remember when the Cleveland Browns moved to Baltimore and became the Ravens? Cleveland is lucky to even have a team today. Pittsburgh is a prestigious job. Dallas is more prestigious, but at least for the Steelers, you can make an argument. Cleveland is and always has been a...
  2. RightSaidFred

    Justin Fields transferring

    A Justin Fields led team will look a lot different from a Malik Rosier led team. That's not really debatable. But, of course, there's no chance Fields comes here. We're not even being mentioned except by people on this board.
  3. RightSaidFred

    Justin Fields transferring

    He'll end up at one of the schools on the original ESPN tweet. He won't even visit Miami. Not one major outlet even has Miami listed as a possibility.
  4. RightSaidFred

    Justin Fields transferring

    Being the head coach of the Dallas Cowboys is THE most prestigious job in football, at any level. It isn't even really that close. Saying the Browns is a better gig than Dallas is like saying being the manager of the Cleveland Indians is more prestigious than the Yankees.
  5. RightSaidFred

    Justin Fields transferring

    I doubt we even get a visit. Mark Richt is lazy. He’ll get out-hustled by about a dozen programs who actually give a **** about winning.
  6. RightSaidFred

    Justin Fields transferring

    You really think the #1 quarterback recruit in the nation is coming here to be coached by Jon Richt? Have you been following this program for the past few years? There is no chance we land this dude. None.
  7. RightSaidFred

    Justin Fields transferring

    You said something similar yourself, earlier.