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  1. OriginalGatorHater

    write off Mark Antony Richards

    You are one of the biggest slurpers on the board that whines about anyone that questions Richt. Half your posts are you whining.
  2. OriginalGatorHater

    write off Mark Antony Richards

    Where did I say anything about our RBs? Maybe you should learn to read before you comment on a message board. You are the dumb one if you think MAR with the inside info he has on the team is going to come to play for a staph like this.
  3. OriginalGatorHater

    write off Mark Antony Richards

    Yah because Richt lucked into Goldens elite QB being there. The Richards are not dumb. They also have no allegiance to Miami like our fans. SO they do not get blinded by their Cane shades. They know the type of corch Richt is and want to stay FAR FAR away.
  4. OriginalGatorHater

    write off Mark Antony Richards

    Another hard jab was he like that they try to get the ball to players in space. Something MOrk NEVER tried with his bro or JT4.