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  1. OptimusCreampie

    Wow! That Kirby Is A **** Of A Lot Smarter Than Richt!!

    I’m going to steal Mark richts quote and say the execution was horrendous on that play the snapper was looking at the upback while he had his hands up to receive it while Bama was in their base defense .... Kirby/ special teams coordinator should’ve called a timeout done goofed by going through...
  2. OptimusCreampie

    Wow! That Kirby Is A **** Of A Lot Smarter Than Richt!!

    I mean dude is recruiting out of his mind rn (granted he is dropping heavy bags) but richt just went 7-5 in an awful coastal and smart just choked away a closer game I think anyone will have against Alabama this year
  3. OptimusCreampie

    Wow! That Kirby Is A **** Of A Lot Smarter Than Richt!!

    Yeah I mean in hindsight (hate to be that guy) but like I said Kirby or the special teams coordinator should’ve called a timeout because the up back was telegraphing it was coming to him
  4. OptimusCreampie

    Wow! That Kirby Is A **** Of A Lot Smarter Than Richt!!

    Speaking in terms of now, which is more important
  5. OptimusCreampie

    Wow! That Kirby Is A **** Of A Lot Smarter Than Richt!!

    Also the second part of my post I said their program is Better than ours right now I mean bash smart but richt is not doing much better against Saban
  6. OptimusCreampie

    Wow! That Kirby Is A **** Of A Lot Smarter Than Richt!!

    If they didn’t telegraph the fake punt I’d thought it be a good call ... rake me across the coals lol
  7. OptimusCreampie

    Wow! That Kirby Is A **** Of A Lot Smarter Than Richt!!

    Well yeah if you’re team looks competent then run the play .... they didn’t look competent and look what happened ... calm down lol
  8. OptimusCreampie

    Wow! That Kirby Is A **** Of A Lot Smarter Than Richt!!

    You can joke but Georgia rn is ahead of us a football program ... honestly had no problem with the call but the long snapper telegraphed it and so did the upback