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  1. 5

    Wow! That Kirby Is A **** Of A Lot Smarter Than Richt!!

    Yeah from your girl fingers.. go back to ya mom's basement stop pressing me.
  2. 5

    Wow! That Kirby Is A **** Of A Lot Smarter Than Richt!!

    Bro you sound retarded and only have retarded people agreeing with you. You are trying to put words in my mouth to create a legitimate argument about it being ok to slurp smart 😂🤣😂🤣 YOU STILL HAVEN'T SHOWN ME WHERE PEOPLE LIKE ME SUPPORT MARK RICHT?!?!?! YOU LAME BRUH. I don't like Richt. But I...
  3. 5

    Wow! That Kirby Is A **** Of A Lot Smarter Than Richt!!

    Yeah. I just wanted to show everyone how retarded you are. I never once have tried to make Richt look like anything but a disappointment. And only slurps like you are satisfied with the job Kirby had done. I'm still looking thru my responses to gather any of the info you just mentioned. As long...
  4. 5

    Wow! That Kirby Is A **** Of A Lot Smarter Than Richt!!

    And you know Kirby's going to win one? Because you slurping hard... Point is he wasn't brought there for championship appearances jitt. Like I said I'M LAUGHING AT THE MORON WHO ENJOYS A SECOND PLACE FINISH. MEANWHILE they'll be home as we are, WATCHING AGAIN IN YEAR 3 of his tenure!!! There is...
  5. 5

    Wow! That Kirby Is A **** Of A Lot Smarter Than Richt!!

    Bro I'm laughing at both coaches because both will be watching the championship game as usual. MY WHOLE POINT IS KIRBY WILL GET YOU THE SAME AMOUNT OF RINGS AS MARK. THAT'S IT. YOU turned this into a Kirby slurpfest. I just am not going to put Kirby on a pedestal cause of Mark Richt currently...
  6. 5

    Wow! That Kirby Is A **** Of A Lot Smarter Than Richt!!

    Oh I'm stalking you? Yeah you definitely retarded because it's clear I'm just responding to your moronic take and choose to respond at my leisure. You are not special (well you are but aren't) or you ain't my hoe so I don't care to respond to you in a timely matter. Just stop splurpin so hard on...
  7. 5

    Wow! That Kirby Is A **** Of A Lot Smarter Than Richt!!

    Bro u sound retarded. You are not winning this argument. They didn't hire Kirby to be second place so go somewhere with the nonsense.
  8. 5

    Wow! That Kirby Is A **** Of A Lot Smarter Than Richt!!

    😂🤣😭 You're proving my point!! And I guarantee you Kirby won't have one too much longer either if he keep finishing in 2nd place cause I'm pretty sure they hired him for rings not championship game appearances 🤪
  9. 5

    Wow! That Kirby Is A **** Of A Lot Smarter Than Richt!!

    Saying coker situation is different from Kirby's because he was on the staff when they recruited certain players is weak and provides no excuse in my eyes Randy.
  10. 5

    Wow! That Kirby Is A **** Of A Lot Smarter Than Richt!!

    🤣😂🤣 I clearly don't pay attention to this as you do dawg. I definitely did not need to think of a response for what you said kid. Your response was weak and trying to beat around the bush. Kirby ain't no different than ya boi, they both have 0 ships so don't holla at me until that change.
  11. 5

    Wow! That Kirby Is A **** Of A Lot Smarter Than Richt!!

    ???Soo?? He couldn't recruit so he definitely didn't "recruit"that championship team but we'll go with your narrative.
  12. 5

    Wow! That Kirby Is A **** Of A Lot Smarter Than Richt!!

    Lol. Cooker won a nc his first year as HEAD COACH.
  13. 5

    Wow! That Kirby Is A **** Of A Lot Smarter Than Richt!!

    You have to coach for a long time at a talented school to win a ship now? Larry Cooker a hot boi then.
  14. 5

    Wow! That Kirby Is A **** Of A Lot Smarter Than Richt!!

    Yeah with the same amount of championships.
  15. 5

    Wow! That Kirby Is A **** Of A Lot Smarter Than Richt!!

    And we all still sitting in the same place watching the championship game again.. last year it was fans saying they didn't want to play in ACC championship game cause it was a waste of time knowing we were going to get blown out.. Now it's cool to go 11-2 and win no championship.. 😂🤣😂 **** Richt...