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  1. E

    For Those Who Claim Coach Mark Richt Can't Recruit

    **** Right!! Why should THAT GUY think he can predict the outcome of a game. Never mind that he's been successfully doing that very thing on College Gameday for years. I just hope and pray you "experts" will set that know nothing loser straight. Better yet, get him fired! Hey, if he's got a son...
  2. E

    For Those Who Claim Coach Mark Richt Can't Recruit

    Right on! You Cats have more football knowledge in the tips of your index fingers than dumb ole Desmond has in his whole body. Most insulting is that positive comment about the Canes.
  3. E

    For Those Who Claim Coach Mark Richt Can't Recruit

    There you go!! He's stupid, right?? He should be fired, right?? He's an old man that doesn't know anything, right?? The game has passed him by, right?? He's never been a winner, right?? Fire Desmond! Fire Desmond! Fire Desmond! Get those **** banner planes up and flying! PS: And the worst sin...
  4. E

    For Those Who Claim Coach Mark Richt Can't Recruit

    Today, on ESPN's College Gameday telecast Desmond Howard referenced 's Georgia's "struggles" this season. While I do not know Howard's contact information, hopefully, the same "experts" who have been lecturing me that a team with 11 wins and 0 losses has not struggled will have his contact...
  5. E

    For Those Who Claim Coach Mark Richt Can't Recruit

    I will do so! If you would be so kind to tell your fellow inmates that I feel their pain.
  6. E

    For Those Who Claim Coach Mark Richt Can't Recruit

    Bingo! There it is! When someone daylights how truly uninformed you are you pull the troll response from your limited intellectual ****nal. Hey, I look forward to you lecturing the DawgNation brain trust as to how wrong they are.
  7. E

    For Those Who Claim Coach Mark Richt Can't Recruit

    You Cats don't know anything and when someone tries to educate you-you keep trying to throw **** on the wall hoping something will stick. You are furnished with FACTS and you still prattle on about things you have no worldly clue. You and the other Herd members look at the 11 and 1 record and...
  8. E

    For Those Who Claim Coach Mark Richt Can't Recruit

    Read my post above to West Coast Canes.
  9. E

    For Those Who Claim Coach Mark Richt Can't Recruit

    Right!!! Proving that Coach Richt took Golden's players and coached them up to produce a record-breaking season.
  10. E

    For Those Who Claim Coach Mark Richt Can't Recruit

    Handicapped? I'll take that up with the psychiatrist who leads our next group session at the Institute for the Mentally Handicapped. I love posts such as yours because they prove how little some know about college football while being shocked that they aren't the head coach of the Canes. LSU...
  11. E

    For Those Who Claim Coach Mark Richt Can't Recruit

    You've got me more than a little confused. The Herd claimed that Al Golden was a disaster in every aspect. So, I believe you are complimenting Coach Richt for taking Golden's pathetic recruits and coaching them into excellent football players, thus the 10 straight wins, ACC Coastal Champions...
  12. E

    For Those Who Claim Coach Mark Richt Can't Recruit

    The Mods have entered me into the Liars' Anonymous Program held each Tuesday and Thursday from 10 pm to 2 am at the Pharaoh Hookah & Cigar Lounge. This is a nine and a half year program. My first session was last night and to my everlasting surprise a solitary, trembling figure slowly rose from...
  13. E

    For Those Who Claim Coach Mark Richt Can't Recruit

    Yes, I do, and here's my response: LSU 36 Georgia 16 From Dawg Nation: Like those folks, I’m hoping history will repeat itself, but I’m not really confident that will be the case, mainly because this much less experienced team (with the SEC’s youngest roster) isn’t yet close to being on the...
  14. E

    For Those Who Claim Coach Mark Richt Can't Recruit

    Hmmm, starting to think are you...that has to be a unique experience for you. Quoting **** "Night Train" Lane, all that thinking may give you "head cramps". You have the shriveled up balls to call last seasons 10 wins "a fluke" and you point to me as a troll...nice try Doris!
  15. E

    For Those Who Claim Coach Mark Richt Can't Recruit

    It's the old story, they always hurt the ones who love them the most.
  16. E

    For Those Who Claim Coach Mark Richt Can't Recruit

    Thank you! I did visit Kenneth while in jail where he was running a Russian mail-order bride scam.
  17. E

    For Those Who Claim Coach Mark Richt Can't Recruit

    If you think it was easy for me to share that story, then you are wrong. Kenneth broke my heart that Thanksgiving weekend. He also mooned an unsuspecting Jehovah Witness, who due to that act later denounced his faith claiming that if there was a God he would have NEVER made him look at that...
  18. E

    For Those Who Claim Coach Mark Richt Can't Recruit

    You're having one **** of a conversation with yourself. Drop me a note when one of you win.
  19. E

    For Those Who Claim Coach Mark Richt Can't Recruit

    You mean the Keystone Cops? Here again, not real!