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  1. RomeoJunior

    Jarren Williams and the continued mismanagement of the QB position

    Not going to get into all of that. One guy can at least throw,...the other guy showed the nation on our 4 game losing streak that he can't. Yet back in mid-July,...he was named the starter. And no,...we weren't switching to the Option or Paul Johnson's offense or anything. We were going to once...
  2. RomeoJunior

    Jarren Williams and the continued mismanagement of the QB position

    So then the starter should've been on the bench for a week. One guy can throw a football and the other guy - as he proved during our last 4 games of the previous season - can't. #KeepItSimple The fans discuss the games and practices and meetings on CanesInsight, not them. Yet, I didn't...
  3. RomeoJunior

    Jarren Williams and the continued mismanagement of the QB position

    Sorry for not really reading past this but the whole "If a guy is not ready" is an extremely self-gratifying "box" to put yourself in and close out anything or anyone that disagrees. If a guy is not ready for what? Leading us back when we're down 21 with 6 minutes left? Or simply getting reps...
  4. RomeoJunior

    Jarren Williams and the continued mismanagement of the QB position

    I mean its great that u have what you "don't" do covered....but how about we change the conversation to what you "DO" do....given the new 4 games rule for True Freshmen when you have 5 losses and aren't playing for anything. Do you systematically try to run as much time off the clock whenever...
  5. RomeoJunior

    Jarren Williams and the continued mismanagement of the QB position

    The writing was on the wall with 11 minutes to go yesterday after we had went up 14 and had the ball. What was painfully noticed was Richt was already running the clock down to 1 second before calling the timeout as if there were 4 minutes, even though the 4th had just started. Little nuances...