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  1. akapeter

    Canes v. Pitt

    our players are making Manny look good. he ran the same D other places it was not successful.
  2. akapeter

    Canes v. Pitt

    maybe that would have happened. but we have enough talent to be 10-1. we have enough talent to beat Clemson, hey i'm an optimist . Our problems are clearly coaching.
  3. akapeter

    Canes v. Pitt

    Feed Homer!
  4. akapeter

    Canes v. Pitt

    LSU is only one I understand. All others were because Richt mishandled the VA game and the losses cascaded after that.
  5. akapeter

    Canes v. Pitt

    they didnt win it, we lost it.
  6. akapeter

    Canes v. Pitt

    lol wild cat worked
  7. akapeter

    Canes v. Pitt

    i know but still. sometimes you just go with the hot hand
  8. akapeter

    Canes v. Pitt

    was homer too tired to come back in? this is the sh*& i dont get. feed the hot hand!
  9. akapeter

    Canes v. Pitt

    getting tired
  10. akapeter

    Canes v. Pitt

    here comes a Pitt score
  11. akapeter

    Canes v. Pitt

    This is absolute B*LLSH...!
  12. akapeter

    Canes v. Pitt

    give DJ's reps to cam
  13. akapeter

    Canes v. Pitt

    that's what I want to know. maybe coach is afraid of throwing over the middle?
  14. akapeter

    Canes v. Pitt

    at this why not outs, ins, hooks?
  15. akapeter

    Canes v. Pitt

    LOL Shaq
  16. akapeter

    Canes v. Pitt

    I hope you're right
  17. akapeter

    Canes v. Pitt

    Finley is our best cover LB, lots of speed
  18. akapeter

    Canes v. Pitt

    word. That's what I'm wondering some kind of solidarity sh*&
  19. akapeter

    Canes v. Pitt

    why don't we throw over the middle?
  20. akapeter

    Canes v. Pitt

    no big deal, c-ya