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    OT: Cristobal went savage in the civil war game

    Listen Auntie Mario take this to your family reunion groupme.
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    OT: Cristobal went savage in the civil war game

    Because I’m on a miami hurricanes board where u have a post about the Oregon head coach
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    OT: Cristobal went savage in the civil war game

    Im not hating on sch*t i couldnt f*ckin care less. Im not discussing a coach with 4 losses including richt
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    OT: Cristobal went savage in the civil war game

    Nothing at all. Can yall support him at
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    OT: Cristobal went savage in the civil war game

    People literally want Butch and Cristobal to come coach the team. There are hundreds of winning coaches that have no ties to UM.
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    OT: Cristobal went savage in the civil war game

    I have a serious question... are people that stupid to think the only coaches that are good coaches played at UM or coached here before??? U do realize there are other good coaches that have not lost 4 games this year.