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    Jeff Thomas dismissed from Miami football

    And btw I like Mark Richt personally but he has TOTALLY messed up the great second chance Miami gave him after being fired by University of Georgia. He had a chance to prove he was the great offensive coordinator he was in the late 1990s' early 2000. Instead of bringing someone competent to...

    Jeff Thomas dismissed from Miami football

    BS Jeff Thomas is First Round NFL talent and if you think otherwise you need to go back to high school coaching.

    Jeff Thomas dismissed from Miami football

    You people acting like JT never gave his all on every play for UM are ridiculous. The kid balled every minute he played here. Really, is reality this hard for you? The kid was a last minute addition, even the coaches didn't expect him to sign, and he did and he did nothing but worked his butt...

    Jeff Thomas dismissed from Miami football

    You know, I have been around a long time. I identified Sam Shields as a converted WR who would play years in the NFL based on speed alone. He had done that. JT has speed. You can't coach that chit. You either have it or you don't. JT has it. He will have a long career in the NFL...

    Jeff Thomas dismissed from Miami football

    No you don't let this kind of talent walk away. You don't do that at Alabama, FSU, UF, Clemson, Oklahoma, USC, or any other top program. You just DO NOT DO IT. You bend over backwards to make it right. JT is the BEST receiver we have had since 1980's and way better than AR. You are...

    Jeff Thomas dismissed from Miami football

    I'll give an analogy that maybe dates me. Reggie Jackson was the greatest baseball player of his generation at least in terms of HR's. Billy Martin knew he had personal issues but respected his unbelievable talent as a player. So he kind of bent over back word to keep him happy. Some times...