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  1. RVACane

    Did Jeff Thomas leave the team

    If you're a nursing mother or just expecting, I could see the stress impact. Me... I'm just looking pregnant these days. I'm already a stressed out, neurotic, ****** mess. I want to numb myself to all things tRicht to stay even and balanced...but every time he pulls a corch move i sucked sucked...
  2. RVACane

    Did Jeff Thomas leave the team

    Good morning bîtches! So...ummm....we good with JT4 or are the CIS insiders still working on it? Asking for our Staff Writers. @Stefan Adams, where you at dawg? Get.In.This.Thread.Please.
  3. RVACane

    Did Jeff Thomas leave the team

    You think Mizzou is pulling the mafia memory thing and getting them now?
  4. RVACane

    Did Jeff Thomas leave the team

    I saw that yesterday or today and i exited. They were talking about landing Stevenson, Haselwood, Summerall, this guy from Brooklyn and how we'd be a top 10 we getting errrybody. It was so gaytoresque, i couldn't stay witness to it.
  5. RVACane

    Did Jeff Thomas leave the team

    Exactly how i they were the last few years. The failed corching, the scramble for anything in recruiting including who we can flip from Wake Forest and Boston College, Mods snapping, banning and locking...players not able to play. We only lack the criminal aspect of it.
  6. RVACane

    Did Jeff Thomas leave the team

    The other thread is locked already. Does that mean it's not true or have our mods just gone full blown Luke Stampenis thinking we can't handle the truth?
  7. RVACane

    Did Jeff Thomas leave the team

    What's going on with JT4??