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  1. E

    Canes Qualify For Bowl Game-Herd Goes Into Deep Depression

    "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt."
  2. E

    Canes Qualify For Bowl Game-Herd Goes Into Deep Depression

    Guess what, your attempt to belittle Coach Richt via the Walter Camp Award immediately garners you the 'Wizard of Oz, If I Only Had A Brain Award. Your analogies are so high-powered stupid that I worry that you are running around freely in these here United States. ****, even your Haters'...
  3. E

    Canes Qualify For Bowl Game-Herd Goes Into Deep Depression

    Oh, Shirley, you've got your panties in a knot again! And that was really a low blow pointing out all of the red on my bar...not really, I love it!! This site is overrun with haters and someone like me who actually loves the Canes and supports the program with more than words ruffles the...
  4. E

    Canes Qualify For Bowl Game-Herd Goes Into Deep Depression

    When you can't refute F-A-C-T-S you resort to name calling. Instead of being a man and after reading the F-A-C-T-S I posted admitting that suggesting Mark Richt is a bad coach or should be fired is absurd you throw a temper tantrum.
  5. E

    Canes Qualify For Bowl Game-Herd Goes Into Deep Depression

    I 100% agree with your offensive line comments. If the Canes had just a serviceable offensive line this season the win-loss record would be significantly improved.
  6. E

    Canes Qualify For Bowl Game-Herd Goes Into Deep Depression

    Oh! Now I get it. You consider facts to be an inconvenience when you are droning on with your crosseyed hate. Here's the hilarious demand that I; "Stop sugar coating this abortion of a coaching staff." You are not smart enough to realize that response endorses the coaching staff...
  7. E

    Canes Qualify For Bowl Game-Herd Goes Into Deep Depression

    Wow! Just another of your seemingly endless deep thinking observations, again Wow! By the way, Professor Einstien, previous to Golden's 8 & 5 season... Did he win 10 straight games? Did he win the Coastal Division for the first time ever? Did he take the team to a Major Bowl for the first...
  8. E

    Canes Qualify For Bowl Game-Herd Goes Into Deep Depression

    Partner, smart and your name should NEVER be in the same sentence. And you're right, Coach Richt should have known that both of his tight ends would be knocked out of the Virginia Tech game and signed 4 or 5 additional scholarship tight ends. If only he had your enormous intellect and vision. By...
  9. E

    Canes Qualify For Bowl Game-Herd Goes Into Deep Depression

    Well, we know you'll back, win or lose because if the Canes win you will complain about how bad they played and should have lost while also claiming Pitt is a weak team. And if they lose you'll be celebrating with the other members of your Confederacy of Dunces. Why do you hate those kids so...
  10. E

    Canes Qualify For Bowl Game-Herd Goes Into Deep Depression

    You should never look in a mirror...
  11. E

    Canes Qualify For Bowl Game-Herd Goes Into Deep Depression

    Thanks for the 5 o6 6 rosters in college football...that's rich! Well, you've confirmed you don't reside on this planet. Go sell your 5 or 6 most talented roster declaration to anyone that has even a minimal grasp of college football. Yet, based on your conclusions means that Coach...
  12. E

    Canes Qualify For Bowl Game-Herd Goes Into Deep Depression

    And there you have it! The haters are now rooting for Pittsburgh to win: MiamiHotline commented; "Will you be back after Pitt knocks Richt's offense in the dirt?"
  13. E

    Canes Qualify For Bowl Game-Herd Goes Into Deep Depression

    Another delusional hater that reads a post, completely dismisses what was articulated and then goes on a rant about something else lodged in his minuscule brain. This thread has taught us all something...reading comprehension is a foreign concept for the haters.
  14. E

    Canes Qualify For Bowl Game-Herd Goes Into Deep Depression

    All right, it is clear that no matter what someone tells you, you just keep repeating whatever is currently floating around in your empty head. You do not allow facts to get in your way. But, in fairness, you did answer the question as to who the 'Rain Man' character was fashioned after:
  15. E

    Canes Qualify For Bowl Game-Herd Goes Into Deep Depression

    You are right! He made such a scholarly, fact-filled presentation. Allow me to recommend that you next read; 'SILLY FACTS FOR SILLY KIDS', a children's fact book containing loads of silly facts with illustrations.
  16. E

    Canes Qualify For Bowl Game-Herd Goes Into Deep Depression

    Well, far be it for me to argue with the Grand Poo-Pah of simple-mindedness. You got that territory covered and then some.
  17. E

    Canes Qualify For Bowl Game-Herd Goes Into Deep Depression

    Per your brilliant observational powers, you are now claiming that I am insinuating I'm fine with mediocrity. Just a quick you also see dead people?
  18. E

    Canes Qualify For Bowl Game-Herd Goes Into Deep Depression

    Sweetie, don't project, as it is well documented you are the queen of the cheek spreaders. ****, just Google it, they've devoted a whole page to your hobby, with a photo of a big fist (made me blush). You're, as usual, confused due to the Canes spanking V. Tech Saturday night and your...