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  1. k9cane

    Jarren Williams Suspended

    well, when all you do is have them do wind sprints, fumble recovery drills and have them throw at the cross bar on the goal post, you really can't improve as a QB
  2. k9cane

    Jarren Williams Suspended

    they can start by assessing themselves as coaches...
  3. k9cane

    Jarren Williams Suspended

    All Richt is at this point IS BS...
  4. k9cane

    Jarren Williams Suspended

    as someone who lives in Southern California I should be greatly offended by this post.... But it made me chuckle....
  5. k9cane

    Jarren Williams Suspended

    Hold on Chise, gotta push back here, the great manager Morris 'Buttermaker' flat out let Leak do his thing and he and Amanda came 'thisclose' to upsetting the Denny's sponsored Yankees for the North Valley Little League title He wasnt ever going to suspend that 5-tool, cigarette smoking, Harley...
  6. k9cane

    Jarren Williams Suspended

    Jon Richt is the UM version of 'Tommy Boy' - without that David Spade character to turn him around
  7. k9cane

    Jarren Williams Suspended

    UM is on #Richtbation( a form of the 'death penalty')
  8. k9cane

    Jarren Williams Suspended

    Because nepotism has no standards
  9. k9cane

    Jarren Williams Suspended

    ok, well if it does 'start with the coaches' - and these coaches specifically, uh oh
  10. k9cane

    Jarren Williams Suspended

    If Gary Stevens is leading that room, IMO, guys are engaged, willing to be there early and focused on getting better. With John Richt, it's like perpetually having the substitute teacher you have no respect for
  11. k9cane

    Jarren Williams Suspended

    yeah, and I live in the real world. I still remember after losing to WVU in 1993, Miami at that point going through the motions vs Memphis and then getting absolutely hammered by Arizona in the Fiesta Bowl - and you could see it all unfolding. At that point I felt it was the beginning of the end...
  12. k9cane

    Jarren Williams Suspended

    I'll get into this more later, but I spoke with Claude Jones(87-91 letterman) who agreed with me and said even during the 91 Cotton Bowl prep, since they couldnt play for a national title, they were basically checked out till the Texas guys(Stanley Richards and Stan Thomas started yapping). And...
  13. k9cane

    Jarren Williams Suspended

    Being dead serious, I think Miami is better off not making a bowl game. This environment just feels toxic, also the guys have completely checked out and quite frankly, I wouldn't want to practice one more day under this current staff for a game that will have me in Shreveport around X-mas time.
  14. k9cane

    Jarren Williams Suspended

    CJR literally knows less about the QB position than the guys he coaches. And Im not being flippant with this statement
  15. k9cane

    Jarren Williams Suspended

    If you had to be 'corched' by Jon Richt, you might rebel, too. Again, Capt Queeg in charge of the SS Miami
  16. k9cane

    Jarren Williams Suspended

    I really hope transfer papers dont roll in like they do for national letter of intent day after this season...