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  1. Rellyrell


    I got u bro; this was literally me 4 yrs ago, but I had to swallow a hard case of reality and why we r treated this way. USC, prior to Carroll, was treated this way by locals, as well. A lot of them So Cal boys were making Colorado, Washington, WASU and their arch rivals, UCLA good. Nothing has...
  2. Rellyrell


    We ain’t in no position. What fairy tale land do ya’ll live in?? Lol. Tell him to kick rocks and go after who? Oh! The proverbial diamond in the rough 2 star So Fla Ath? Come on gentlemen, it’s time for ALL OF US to get a sense of reality. We ain’t that team anymore to tell ppl to kick rocks...
  3. Rellyrell


    We are place holders Brock. Literally kids have said that. Recruits have said Miami is Miami, they’re kind of like that loyal gf that’s always going to be there, but if a bad one comes around, imma holla at her. That’s verbatim. We ain’t that bad chick anymore, and while FSU is also a chit...