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  1. kryptonite

    “If I went to that program I would never lose a game. They get the best athletes.” - Mike Leach

    Ah no. And you know why? Because I don't care if any of that is actually true, because there are 4 things I know are definitely true: 1. People think the things I said are true, and what people think is more important than the truth. Just look at politics. If I were wrong about this, Butch...
  2. kryptonite

    “If I went to that program I would never lose a game. They get the best athletes.” - Mike Leach

    So what's wrong with a guy who runs that type of offense but doesn't make 60% of the people he comes in contact with hate him? And before you say "who cares", the answer is recruits and their families, donors, fans, the BOT. He's not the only one who could fix the offense so how about choosing...