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  1. mirednmediocrity2

    Canes v. GT

    Can you imagine what next week will be like with that howling bunch of hillbillies? Bet the game’s at night and it’ll be cold as ****. They will hang 50 on us for sure.
  2. mirednmediocrity2

    Canes v. GT

    Still say there’s something going on behind the scenes with this team. Just really terrible play from start to finish. High school teams don’t make these kind of mistakes over and over. Maybe they want to get rid of the old man as much as we do.
  3. mirednmediocrity2

    Canes v. GT

    Forfeit. Might as well.
  4. mirednmediocrity2

    Canes v. GT

    Agreed....and I go back a long, long way with this team.
  5. mirednmediocrity2

    Canes v. GT

    This is why I think the players are dogging it. They have no respect or trust in Richt and some of his offensive assistants. If he’s as bad as he seems to be, the players should demand changes from Tranny Boy.
  6. mirednmediocrity2

    Canes v. GT

    Team has imploded completely. We won’t win another game.
  7. mirednmediocrity2

    Canes v. GT

  8. mirednmediocrity2

    Canes v. GT

    This is why I think it’s intentional. It just seems like whenever a bad mistake can be made, it always is. Like clockwork. Of course these chit ACC refs make it easy.
  9. mirednmediocrity2

    Canes v. GT

    Another mistake.
  10. mirednmediocrity2

    Canes v. GT

    Exactly my point.
  11. mirednmediocrity2

    Canes v. GT

    Still wondering if this isn’t intentional. No one makes this many mistakes Not even pee wee teams.
  12. mirednmediocrity2

    Canes v. GT

    Let’s see how this team can #### up the 2nd half. Every time something good happens to this bunch, it’s offset by a dozen horrible, inexcusable ####ups.
  13. mirednmediocrity2

    Canes v. GT

    Did we just score? DID WE ACTUALLY GET A SCORE?
  14. mirednmediocrity2

    Canes v. GT

    This game looks like Miami is intentionally giving the game away. No team could possibly play as bad as this, make the mistakes they do, and seem as lifeless as they do without it being intentional, at least on the part of most players. The coaching staff MUST be totally HATED by these players...
  15. mirednmediocrity2

    Canes v. GT

    Worst team EVER! (And I’ve seen some of the worst.) Right back to the bottom of the CFB barrel.
  16. mirednmediocrity2

    Canes v. GT

  17. mirednmediocrity2

    Canes v. GT

    True dat.
  18. mirednmediocrity2

    Canes v. GT

    They’ve quit. Do not give a ####.
  19. mirednmediocrity2

    Canes v. GT

    FSU vs ND.
  20. mirednmediocrity2

    Canes v. GT

    Worst Miami team ever. Just keep sinking lower and lower every game. Worse than the clown shows of the ‘60s and 70s. I’m done with this team. Is Richt even coaching these kids AT ALL???