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  1. T

    Flying the banner "Fire Jon Richt"

    amen, we all qualify for a script o 1mg xanax, the blue footballs, well we are talking football here
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    Flying the banner "Fire Jon Richt"

    yea i need a dad like that, Jr gets to put his little change in the bank and sit on it, dad pays for everything or negotiates it from The U, nice
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    Flying the banner "Fire Jon Richt"

    here, between 2 and 300k you got yourself a damm house, 3 - 4000sq ft
  4. T

    Flying the banner "Fire Jon Richt"

    got it, homes there are just insane money though, especially compared to Texas and what i'm used to
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    Flying the banner "Fire Jon Richt"

    well yea, but 200k aint much around there
  6. T

    Flying the banner "Fire Jon Richt"

    I bet if Jr were fired he couldnt get a high school job in the 305 without dad's help
  7. T

    Flying the banner "Fire Jon Richt"

    not to change subject but can you live decent in Miami on 200k, always heard how expensive it is, my buds there bytch constantly about it