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  1. For_The_U

    On why Rosier is starting - Miami Herald

    And what knowledge do you have to establish as FACT that there was never a QB competition and CMR was going with Rosier no matter what transpired in the Spring and Fall? That's absolute horsesh-it, man, derived from nothing but your dislike of Rosier (understandable) and your own belief that...
  2. For_The_U

    On why Rosier is starting - Miami Herald

    I didn't say it was true, nor did I claim Rosier does great things. Pretty sure I qualified my statement above not once but twice that I wasn't arguing FOR Richt's position. I was just pointing out that CMR has already stated his basis for it numerous times, whether people agree with that...
  3. For_The_U

    On why Rosier is starting - Miami Herald

    Agree with every point you made. And I'm not in any way trying to convince you that Rosier is the best QB on the roster. I'm just stating the FACT that Perry is now in his second year here and failed to beat out Rosier in Spring or Fall camp. Considering how bad Rosier has looked, that speaks...
  4. For_The_U

    On why Rosier is starting - Miami Herald

    If he "has to be better than Rosier" wouldn't he have won the job in the spring or summer?
  5. For_The_U

    On why Rosier is starting - Miami Herald

    I woudn't swap Joe Jax and Garvin for their DE's nor their LBs for our trio. But I get your point.
  6. For_The_U

    On why Rosier is starting - Miami Herald

    CMR has stated numerous times why he sticks with Rosier. I am not saying I PERSONALLY support it, but he has already addressed it a bunch of times that it is all the other aspects of being a QB that makes him believe Rosier gives us a better chance to win, not purely based on who is a better...
  7. For_The_U

    On why Rosier is starting - Miami Herald

    Best post that's been written all month.
  8. For_The_U

    On why Rosier is starting - Miami Herald

    Jeff Thomas was just quoted this week saying even though they run the same play "a million times" in practice some people get jitters in games and do the wrong thing. So, no, not all lack of execution is a result of coaching.
  9. For_The_U

    On why Rosier is starting - Miami Herald

    Won't be popular here, but there are some valid points in there.