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  1. kryptonite

    Buchanon has seen enough I guess

    Did you hit your head or something? Too many paint fumes?
  2. kryptonite

    Buchanon has seen enough I guess

    To be calling for his head after finishing last season with 3 losses was an absolute joke. Now? Not so much.
  3. kryptonite

    Buchanon has seen enough I guess

    The embarrassment is that our HC can't be bothered to be embarrassed about the product on the field. Even when we win, you can see this team not getting anywhere near their potential. With the exception of ND and VT last year, they've looked sluggish at the start of every single game. And you...
  4. kryptonite

    Buchanon has seen enough I guess

    Wow, saying it in private really puts a lot of pressure on him. Really turns up the heat on Richt that former players are quietly saying they aren't happy where nobody can hear them. And fck you, you think this dude's hiding behind a screen? You think former players are afraid of a coach?