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  1. S

    Dumpster Fire at USC - We could be them

    Oh Okay, when should we be expecting this magic turn around by Richt? Just curious to know how long it takes for someone of his talent to turn a program around? Do we need to wait another 3 years?, 5?, 10? Is this a 15 year rebuild? By the way the last time the Canes finished in the top 10 was...
  2. S

    Dumpster Fire at USC - We could be them

    Okay, sure if that makes you feel better. Nobody here cares if USC sucks! There are always going to be teams that are not doing well? What are we going to say when USC turns it around in a few years and we still suck. Oh look, Georgia or LSU or Oklahoma.... sucks, just like us. It's OK, we have...