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  1. Cane6

    Dumpster Fire at USC - We could be them

    We can agree on that. To reach the ACC title game again this year, all we needed to be was about 30th to 40th in offense, with our strong Defense.
  2. Cane6

    Dumpster Fire at USC - We could be them

    You can’t be serious. I still don’t know what point you are arguing I didn’t mention LSU or Georgia anywhere. Ohio St lost because they got out schemed by a more creative team. Which ties into my criticism of Richt and Co. Try it again junior FYI, Spankbang is better than Pornhub
  3. Cane6

    Dumpster Fire at USC - We could be them

    Are you clinically retarded????????? I did not even know what you are arguing 2017: UNC, Syracuse, Pitt, Toledo 2018: UVA, BC Teams that we should of absolutely demolished based on talent but we either barely won or lost to. The reason? Coaching Our offensive and ST coaching ranks around 90...
  4. Cane6

    Dumpster Fire at USC - We could be them

    Faith?????? It’s like continuing to stick your finger in a light socket hoping that at some point you don’t get zapped Richt’s ineptitude on offense goes back to 2017, our struggles are nothing new. He has not shown me anything to put faith in, he has gotten worse in 2018
  5. Cane6

    Dumpster Fire at USC - We could be them

    Talent and production are two different measurements. On paper via recruiting rankings, which is the only tangible way to gauge talent, we should be a top 10-15 team. We aren’t because of coaching plain and simple. Look at the top 25 offenses...
  6. Cane6

    Dumpster Fire at USC - We could be them

    The Dolphins suck too, so what
  7. Cane6

    Dumpster Fire at USC - We could be them

    **** in one hand and hope in the other, see which fills up faster