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  1. The Franchise

    Richt-Joe Rose Interview?

    I count 2 Rick dycks in your gullet.
  2. The Franchise

    Richt-Joe Rose Interview?

    LOL at this stupid IPF rationale for keeping a failing coach. We did all of our winning without an IPF, and there are probably 80 programs with IPF that lose a lot. It’s nice to have the IPF, but that was coming sooner or later regardless of Rick.
  3. The Franchise

    Richt-Joe Rose Interview?

    We actually did make an adjustment. The adjustment was to call 5 yard slants on almost every pass play. The offense was actually worse than it was before the horrible adjustments.
  4. The Franchise

    Richt-Joe Rose Interview?

    That’s the sign of an egomaniac who isn’t self-evaluating. His plays worked 30 years ago, so, by God, they’re going to work now.
  5. The Franchise

    Richt-Joe Rose Interview?

    “We don’t need explosive plays” is almost an exact replica of Folden’s “Don’t try to make a play.” He’s rapidly morphing into a sleepier version of Folden.
  6. The Franchise

    Richt-Joe Rose Interview?

    He left out the important fact that several of them lost to other top 25 teams. We lost to a team that doesn’t recruit in the same stratosphere that we do two weeks in a row.