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  1. 305to954

    I think coach Richt may actually have realized it's over

    What makes u think Diaz can run a program?
  2. 305to954

    I think coach Richt may actually have realized it's over

    So who do we get as a HC..who’s the coach y’all want to repeat this cycle with
  3. 305to954

    I think coach Richt may actually have realized it's over

    Lmao or Perry can stop doing stupid ****. Show up for class, meetings etc. it was also Perry who signed that LOI. I don’t want my QB stealing crab legs lmao
  4. 305to954

    I think coach Richt may actually have realized it's over

    You really don’t know these kids until they get in your program. But yeah the buck stops with the head man. Hopefully the light comes on for that cat
  5. 305to954

    I think coach Richt may actually have realized it's over

    I agree with all of that and I think he’s gonna make changes. But like u said changes to the offensive staff and a OC and hope to god he recruited the right guys upfront and we should start seeing that talent influence
  6. 305to954

    I think coach Richt may actually have realized it's over

    Ok. You gotta find a QB though. It seems we have missed on perry because he doesn’t take the game seriously. I’m not totally out on him but clock is ticking. When rebuilding **** like losing on the road happens. My prediction to the season was 11-3 with a bowl win and I was being optimistic ...
  7. 305to954

    I think coach Richt may actually have realized it's over

    I thought he’d be better here cause I had faith in the program history, the recruiting area and the pedigree. I thought he understood the blueprint here and if he duplicated what he did at UGA here ther was a chance to win at a higher level. I always thought what he did at uga was underatted...
  8. 305to954

    I think coach Richt may actually have realized it's over

    True but I thought fuente was in the golden mold as a young unproven coach. I thought we needed instant credibility..Whoever we got did you think it’d be quick turnaround ?
  9. 305to954

    I think coach Richt may actually have realized it's over

    No lie I wanted us to go get Les miles or Richt to bring instant credibility to a dormant program. 2.5 years let’s see what happens and where we are at after year 4
  10. 305to954

    I think coach Richt may actually have realized it's over

    Who did you want bruh?
  11. 305to954

    I think coach Richt may actually have realized it's over

    How many were against Mark Richt being hired