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  1. duke4heisman

    Is an OC being pursued?

    I really hope he is but I'm not convinced Richt thinks it's his fault, and if he does can he lure a top replacement? Idk but I can see him being let go so Richt can keep himself and Jon in the same roles. I think he's to **** bent on proving to UGA and himself that he can do it. Hope I'm wrong...
  2. duke4heisman

    Is an OC being pursued?

    Speaking of Bobo, he's getting whooped by Boise State 21-0
  3. duke4heisman

    Is an OC being pursued?

    Bobo is HC at Colorado State, don't think he'll leave for OC unless fired. Just looked up his record, he's 3-4 but 2-1 in Conference; NOT that I want him. Just hopefully, he's out by default.