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    Full Richt Comments on QB Decision

    Hey i am with you on starting Jarren even though my source pointed out that he is still a little behind the others. I am not making any excuses for the coach all i am saying is that 12 got the job back because he can read defenses and studies the playbook, knosi need to do the same and right now...

    Full Richt Comments on QB Decision

    He his lights year ahead with his arm talent and athletically and i agree with that totally. But if you are not spending time learning the playbook or studying defenses then you limit those abilities and that's whats stopping him right now. We can name several QB that are light years ahead of...

    Full Richt Comments on QB Decision

    I got some inside information from a very close source inside the program and here it is. The reason why 5 is not starting and looked so horrible on the road was a direct result of him not spending time to study the playbook. Richt made reference to it in his press conference when he spoke...