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  1. Dude

    Mark this down as the date Rick lost the fanbase

    Its all a disaster... it just kills me. We never throw to JT4 in space or throw the bubble screen to him. There are no rub routes to get our faster players a chance to run... I could go on, but we all know.
  2. Dude

    Mark this down as the date Rick lost the fanbase

    And the problem isnt the play calling, but the play concepts, so Brown is a non starter if hes calling plays out of Richts play book.
  3. Dude

    Mark this down as the date Rick lost the fanbase

    I dont know, but last nights sleep hasnt helped at all. Its like waking up from a terrible dream.
  4. Dude

    Mark this down as the date Rick lost the fanbase

    This still kills me. How he didnt hire him shows you exactly what kind of ego this Richt has. Smartest man in the room complex.