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  1. TerragonSix

    OT: UGA Baseball Player Dismissed for Slurs

    Nah. Would take a lot of 8 year old kids to do that. xD He was 8. He was a boy. I don't regret saying it. If he was 22, someone might have a point. But they don't. Because hes a boy.
  2. TerragonSix

    OT: UGA Baseball Player Dismissed for Slurs

    Suspended? Maybe. Kicked off the team? Ehh...
  3. TerragonSix

    OT: UGA Baseball Player Dismissed for Slurs

    Those slurs have been around for a long time and been used for a long time. And will continue to do so. Racism exists. Racism will always exist. Racism is typically based in ignorant behavior, and unfortunately, there will never be a shortage of ignorant people. In all races.
  4. TerragonSix

    OT: UGA Baseball Player Dismissed for Slurs

    ^About where I'm at on it. No sir, I said *****, in order to bypass the censor for the word ******.
  5. TerragonSix

    OT: UGA Baseball Player Dismissed for Slurs

    Depends on how its said. I'm so backwards on this stuff I'm not sure what even K word is. ****? I'm assuming? I just remembered that from the movie American Gangster. xD Heres an example of the double standard on racial language: Guinea Cooley *** Greaseball **** ****** Heeb **** Cracker...
  6. TerragonSix

    OT: UGA Baseball Player Dismissed for Slurs

    ***** ***** ***** Im 200% *****. I dont say it because its offensive. I say it because I really don't care who says it. Are we as a society so fragile that we collectively seize up because of a word, that originally came from the spanish word '*****', which means black? ****, in my day...
  7. TerragonSix

    OT: UGA Baseball Player Dismissed for Slurs

    In division I college football, 55% of the participants are black. So blacks would have a slightly higher percentage of getting caught using a racial slur. Not that it matters much. **** if I were playing in college today, I couldn't play. I would get double teched in the first ten minutes...
  8. TerragonSix

    OT: UGA Baseball Player Dismissed for Slurs

    Part of the problem is how the political slanting is so pandering now, its ridiculous. News media outlets used to be slightly (or appear slightly), in order to keep the illusion of journalistic integrity. Nowadays, MSNBC and Fox News might as well have a big neon sign that says, "If you're a...
  9. TerragonSix

    OT: UGA Baseball Player Dismissed for Slurs

    I don't ever recalling a black player getting kicked off a team for racial insults. Not on college, not in the pros. Fwiw, feel free to call me Cracka. Its fine with me, this white bread owns it. xD Playing college basketball I heard plenty of that, mostly because I played PF in a Joe...
  10. TerragonSix

    OT: UGA Baseball Player Dismissed for Slurs

    My point is though, that a black guy would never get released from a program for calling a white bread, "Cracka" in an offensive, racially motivated way. Whats good for one should be good for all. Remember when MSNBC said Hillary Clinton had a 95% chance of winning the election? Remember how...
  11. TerragonSix

    OT: UGA Baseball Player Dismissed for Slurs

    CNN and MSNBC have democratic leaning biases. MSNBC is the counterpart to Fox News. So far, best mainstream news source I found is BBC News. Always good to get an outsider perspective.
  12. TerragonSix

    OT: UGA Baseball Player Dismissed for Slurs

    There should not be a double standard on the word. If blacks can say it, everyone can say it. What you 'intend' the mean the word as should not matter a ****. I can my friend an a-hole, and totally mean it in a good way, I call someone an a-hole, I could get my *** beat. A-hole is a-hole. N...