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  1. Gatorhater

    James Morgan, FIU Qb.....

    The brainwashing is an education issue. The narrow scope of these schools result in more closed minds as opposed to the classical education which sought to open minds. Today critical thinking and problem solving have been replaced with getting along with the crowd, Individual thought with...
  2. Gatorhater

    James Morgan, FIU Qb.....

    Actually, it is an education thing. While politics have certainly virtually over run education, the effectiveness of education results can be discussed, although the divide we live in makes it difficult. In my opinion, UM Law turned out much better litigation and tax lawyers than those schools.
  3. Gatorhater

    James Morgan, FIU Qb.....

    Yeah, but you get a serious brainwashing at Columbia that most never recover from. In my experience IV grads end up with very narrow perspective and limited vision. Never loss to one in the courtroom. There is no doubt about the advantages their degrees bring but that is from the corruption...