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  1. TheRichtShow

    Kirby coming at Tyson Campbell

    You're ******* dumb. It's just the QB. We matched up with them pretty much evrerywhere else. Our WRs were open on every play. You really suck at reading comprehension. I guess sayIng "miami got they're **** pushed in" makes you sleep better, since you've said it 800 times. And since I...
  2. TheRichtShow

    Kirby coming at Tyson Campbell

    He's only starting because Divaad Wilson got hurt. Wilson won the CB job in the Spring but then tore his ACL. So Blades and Ivey would have no shot at beating him out? And our coaches are morons for playing Dean over them. Its been obvious they're better. But I get you feel sexual pleasure...
  3. TheRichtShow

    Kirby coming at Tyson Campbell

    Your in denial if you think they go 8-4. And we didn't lose to LSU because we coudn't match up. Put a kid like Grier at QB and it would have been a different story. A terrible QB, punter, and a moron DC who plays guys based on seniority. That's just the truth, not denial